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Posts Tagged ‘How to Make Twice Baked Potatoes’

How to Make Twice Baked Potatoes

Posted by supermom on February 20, 2012

This is more of a method, rather than a recipe.

First bake the potatoes; how many will depend on how many people you are feeding.

Once the potatoes have cooled enough to handle, hold the potato as pictured and cut off the top.

Scoop the soft center of the potato into a bowl.

The shells will look like this.

Mash the potatoes in the bowl.  To the mashed potatoes add:

1 Egg for every two potatoes

2 tbsp of milk per potato

Finely chopped onions that have been sautéed until translucent.  More onions if you like onions, less if you don’t or leave them out completely

Salt and Pepper

Stir everything together.  If necessary allow this mixture to cool further before adding ¼ c (per potato) of sharp cheddar cheese.

Next fill the shells with the potato mixture, dividing the mixture evenly amongst all the shells.

The filling will more than fill the shells and will form a nice mound over which you can place you toppings.   Sprinkle with paprika.

Top with more grated cheddar cheese, if desired.

Place in microwave for 4 minutes on medium heat or in the oven at 350F for 30 minutes or until heated through.

Here we’ve served the twice baked potato with our recipe for Hawaiian Chicken.

You can also added chopped bacon to the cheddar cheese topping.

However you choose to top them, these will be delicious.

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