Super Mom – No Cape!

One mother sharing her knowledge with others

Make It Monday – How to Sew a Basic Throw Pillow

Posted by supermom on February 2, 2009

Sewing a basic throw pillow is perfect for both the beginner and for the more advanced who just want a quick, easy-sew project.  You can either recover an existing throw pillow or buy ready made pillow forms.

For a 16′ pillow, cut a 17″ square from a double layer of fabric.  This will give you the front and back of your pillow cover.

Cut two 17 inch squares

Cut two 17 inch squares

Next, pin and sew ½” seam along four sides, leaving an opening approximately eight inches on one side.

Pin right sides together

Pin right sides together

Trim seams to a ¼”.  Clip corners on the diagonal.

Trim seams

Trim seams

Turn right side out.  Press well.

Press pillow

Press pillow

Insert pillow form.  Hand sew opening closed using either a slip stitch or blind stitch.  I prefer to use a blind stitch.

Sew opening closed

Sew opening closed

The pillow is now finished.

Completed pillow

Completed pillow

And for a bit of a surprize, I’ll turn it over and show you the other side.



This was a simple addition.  I  turned under ¼” on the Redwork embroidery, centered it on one of the squares of fabric (before sewing them together.)   Then I pinned it and sewed it in place by machine.

Pin applique to center of pillow

Pin applique to center of pillow

So you see, you can take a basic pillow cover and jazz it up with an embroidered applique or even with a piece of contrasting fabric.   You are only limited by your imagination.   Have fun with it!

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